Sketching Sectional Concepts

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Juan Gris, The book

I am working on a project studying the cubist painting of Juan Gris known as "The Book".  From what I understand cubist painters draw objects from a multitude of views in one painting which is a very abstract analysis of an object.  Depending on the painting it is hard to read foreground from background.  My assignments thus far has been to create a few study models turning this cubist painting from 2D to 3D.  (I will post pictures up of these models up shortly).  Yesterday we discussed the relation between space and the objects in the cubist painting and how that relates to architecture.  We also discussed how often a cubist painting can look different paying higher significance to different parts of it each time you look at it.  The question asked after this was if and how architecture can do that?  I thought maybe changing lighting conditions or kinetic architecture could alter the feeling and experience of the building, so that you can experience a building in many different ways kind of like looking at a cubist painting.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

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